Tuesday, November 4, 2008

how much weight should i put on during pregnancy?

taraaaa.... cikjah x mau jd overweight during ... jd, berapakah berat yg sepatutnya bertambah during my pregnancy? nasib baik ader calculator nih...

dgn berat sblm peknen 64.0kg & tinggi 164cm... berat cikjah dijangka bertambah sebanyak 13.6kg...

You will probably gain 11.3 kgs - 15.9 kgs during your pregnancy.

If you gained the average of the range above, this is where the weight would go (totals are rounded):
Uterus 1.1 kgs
Breasts 0.5 kgs
Blood 1.4 kgs
Water 1.9 kgs
Fat 3.8 kgs
Subtotal 8.6 kgs
Your baby:
Fetus 3.4 kgs
Placenta 0.7 kgs
Amniotic Fluid 0.9 kgs
Subtotal 5.0 kgs
Total 13.6 kgs
sumber: babycentre

sekarang cikjah 67++... so during the end of pregnancy, my weight should be around 77.6kg... so masih boleh gain another 10kg lagi... huhu... berat seyyyyyy...

oh, btw... end of this week, cikjah akan masuk bulan ke-5 of my pregnancy... klu compare dgn rekod masa peknen sulung dulu, 5 bln tu berat cikjah dh mencecah 71.1kg... so kira peknen kali ni berjaya mendisiplinkan diri dr sudut pemakanan... huhuhu... kira satu kejayaan la nih...