Monday, July 14, 2008

fasting with herbalife!!!

wow!!! now u can loss weight & the same time menambahkan pahala with fasting ibadah... ok, here's the fasting menu with herbalife since some of customers want me to guide them with HL menu during fasting season (not exactly fasting's qhada' poser time!!! hikhikhik...)

Option 1

upon wake up: plain water
sahur: shake + plain water + teamix (take after 30 mins after shake)
berbuka: moderate meal
in between: plain water
supper: shake arround midnight

Option 2

upon wake up: plain water
sahur: light meal + plain water + teamix
berbuka: moderate meal
supper: shake arround midnight

Do drinks lots of plain water B4 sahur and B4 going to bed after Berbuka. This will make sure your water intake is enough trough out the day. happy fasting...


Zackyun said...


i was wondering if u only take herbalife for sahur only because usually during the supper time, i was quite terlalu kenyang (i only took bihun sup for berbuka)..

is it okay?

Unknown said...

ushh...sowi... x perasan la plak ader komen kat cni...gini,masa sahur tu bulih klu nak amik shake aje...ataupun amik mknan yg ringan2 spt biskut sbb u only berbuka dgn mihun sup, better sahur dgn yg berat sket...make sure calory intake tu cukup utk badan...