Thursday, July 31, 2008

i'm maybe pregnant...

my dear friends... i'm maybe pregnant... i already did my own pregnancy test & it showed +ve.. if i'm really pregnant, my baby now is in 3rd-4rd week... baby or babbies? it's still early to comfirm.. i haven't see a doctor yet... kinda malas you know.. i forgot when was my last period date since i'm not a type of person who tick mentrual days on calendar...

but i think better check with the doctor when it confirmed, i can prepare myself with mommy milk, vitamin, calcium, folic acid pills & anything that will keep me & my baby healthy... can start buy S new born size diapers...hihihi...

wah... rasanya mengandung kali ini amat mencabar... sebabnya perut asyik lapar (bukan sbb nafsu makan naik mmg betul2 lapar)... aiyak... then kali ni pun tekak rasa x sedap... masa mengandung anak pertama, cikjah x mengalami symptom loya2 pun.. tp kali ni, ntah la... tengok je la mcm mane nanti...

but i still take shake.. 1 shake per day... but now i adding Formula 3 instead of Formula 1 only... it's almost a week i didn't weigh myself... takutttt... sbb makan x jaga... mesti naik punye la... patut la 2-3 minggu lepas x turun2... rupenya peknen la pullok... apa2 pun, shake mesti diteruskan...

then klu cfm peknen, put3 kayangan in the making terpaksa la cari calon lain...cian alinx...kena carik partner lain...


Muzik Hati said...

ala cikjah, rezeki cikjah,competition tu bole delay @ tuka ngn sape²...
xde competition tu,semua org stick to the menu kan...lagi² dh nk raya ni...hehehe...
kalau ada org nk ganti tpt cikjah jd my team mate, on je... tadak hal...
anyway, cikjah kena jaga diri super duper extra care skrg ni... hehehe...
semoga ibu & anak selamat selalu... amiin