kengkawan semua... rasa gumbira sgt dpt balik kmpg halaman... apatah lagik dgn digicam baru nih... spt yg cikjah mentioned earlier, yup, cikjah telah mem'buy' canon ixus 980 is... memang sgt berbaloi beli sbb quality pic nya yg tidak menghampakan... so, masa engagement ceremony, pic sgt cantik & terang...
so enjoy menengok pichas...
okay... actually there's thousand of pic on that day... but i could not download all of them bcoz the images size is big (malas nk compress2)...
btw, lupa plak nk amik gmbr tepi... segan la nk tayang perut kat org... tayang muka aje dah la ye.. hihihi... perut dh membesar skrg... slalu rasa senak2 sbb dukung widad kot... apa2 pun, thanx sbb luangkan masa baca blog cikjah yg x seberapa nih...
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