Wednesday, March 26, 2008

resepi shake - mangorange yummy shake

2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
2 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder (or more)
1 cup plain soy milk or nonfat milk
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup canned mandarin oranges, drained
4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk)
Calories: 320
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 0.5 gram
Carbohydrates: 47 grams

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

resepi shake - strawberry indulgance shake

2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
3 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder
1 6-ounce strawberry-flavored fat-free yogurt
1 cup strawberries
4 ice cubes

Note: For a less pudding-like consistency, add 1/4 cup nonfat milk and Personalized Protein Powder in the blender first, then add other ingredients and continue blending.

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis
Calories: 240
Protein: 29 grams
Fat: 0.5 grams
Carbohydrates: 38 grams

resepi shake - slurpp berry shake

Berries provide lots of heart-healthy antioxidants.

2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
2 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder (or more)
1/3 cup nonfat dry milk powder
1 cup low-calorie cranberry juice
1 cup frozen mixed berries
A few drops vanilla extract
4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk)
Calories: 310
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Carbohydrates: 39 grams

resepi shake - apple pie shake


2 scoops French Vanilla Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
2 tablespoons Personalized Protein Powder (or more)
1 cup plain soy milk or nonfat milk
1 cup frozen apple slices
A few dashes each cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix thoroughly until the ice cubes are completely crushed. Ice cubes are optional.

Nutritional Analysis (with nonfat milk):
Calories: 300
Protein: 30 grams
Fat: 1 gram
Carbohydrates: 46 grams

Thursday, March 13, 2008

fakta ajaib tentang air

hari ini, berapa liter air yg telah anda minum? tak perasan? eh! jgn la mcm tuh... kita kena pastikan badan kita mendapat air yg cukup... mcm mana nk tau cukup ke tidak air yg di minum? lu pikir la sendirik!!! (amik dr nabil raja lawak)

fyi, kira2 80% tubuh manusia terdiri drp air... malah, terdapat beberapa bahagian dlm tubuh yg mengandungi kadar air lebih drp 80%... iaitu OTAK & DARAH...

otak mengandungi kira2 90% komponen air manakala darah 95%... sbb itulah kita disyorkan supaya minum air sekurang2 nya 2 liter @ 8 gelas sehari...

apakah kesan terhadap tubuh sekiranya anda mengambil air kurang dr 2 liter sehari??? let see...

darah memerlukan air utk mengimbangkan molekul2 nya (yg kata ada darah cair & darah pekat tuh..)bila kurang air, maka darah akan menjadi kental & pekat.. maka perjalanan darah pn akan terjejas... apabila darah ini melalui buah pinggang (buah pinggang berfungsi utk menyaring racun dr darah), ia akan melalui penapis yg sgt halus dlm buah pinggang... jika darah kita pekat, ia boleh menyebabkan penapis tadi bocor... bila bocor, anda akan melihat air kencing anda kotor & berwarna... bila air kencing kotor, doktor akan meminta anda minum air banyak2, betul tak? lg satu, ia mencegah anda drp batu karang...

apabila keadaan ini (minum air kurang) berterusan, maka tidak mustahil akan berlakunya kegagalan buah pinggang... maka terpaksalah anda semua menghabiskan wang hengget & masa utk buat haemodylisis...

ok... mari kita lihat kesan kepada otak kita sekiranya air dlm badan kurang.... bila darah menjadi pekat, maka perjalanan ke otak semestinya terganggu... darah ini akan lambat sampai ke otak sedangkan sel2 otak ketika itu memerlukan darah utk mendapatkan oksigen & makanan bg membolehkan otak iteww berfungsi.. ate nye, bila lmbt sampai, mati cepat le sel2 otak td... lebih teruk lg sekiranya anda penghidap sakit jantung... keadaan darah yg kental & pekat mungkin akan mengakibatkan anda diserang stroke...

jadi, minum la air sekurang2 nya 2 liter sehari terutamanya jika anda ingin menurunkan berat badan... hey!! air penting tau utk menyingkirkan lemak... sebenarnya air juga membantu proses metabolisma dlm badan untuk menukarkan lemak kpd tenaga.. jika kurang air, maka ia melambatkan pembakaran lemak... jd, makin lmbt la proses penurunan berat badan...

air juga penting dlm proses pencernaan... proses pencernaan akan terganggu jika anda tidak dapat menyerap segala zat, vitamin & mineral dr makanan.. apabila badan tidak cukup nutrisi yg diperlukan, tubuh akan memberi 'signal' ke otak bahawa ia tidak cukup nutrisi & perlukan makanan utk menambah nutrisi... apalagi, otak akan hantar signal LAPAR & kita pn mkn dgn banyaknya... dgn minum air yg banyak, kita dpt mengekang rasa lapar seterusnya dapat menurunkan berat badan...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

herbalife & pengurusan berat badan

tahukah anda bahawa sykt herbalife ini telahpun bertapak sejak 26 tahun yg lalu? jika anda nak tau, herbalife ni merupakan salah satu sykt perintis yg mengeluarkan produk2 serbuk pengurusan berat badan.. haaaa... skrg, herbalife telah mengembangkan sayapnya di lebih 60 negara seantero dunia.. hebat, kan?

best tau ambil herbalife... tak perlu risau pun kalu kita nk mkn seperti slalu... cuma perlu mendisiplinkan diri dgn mengambil hidangan yg sihat.. jd, anda semua tak perlu la nk berlapar lagi (dulu saya slalu berlapar utk diet... skip meal)...

ape ye yg best tentang herbalife? ok... ini jawapannya:

  • dibangunkan secara saintifik & dikeluarkan pd piawaian pengekstrakan, ShapeWork Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder Drink menyediakan nutrisi seimbang dgn protein soya & nutrisi selular sebagai asasnya
  • terlalu sibuk utk makan pagi? terlalu letih untuk memasak? minum lah shake!! ia mudah dibawa ke mana sahaja anda pergi... btw, it's really yummy... macam2 perisa ada...
  • yg ni part paling best sekali.... anda masih boleh makan makanan kegemaran anda!!!
  • tiada lg diet yo-yo..
  • ia bukan sekadar program pengurusan berat badan, ia juga mampu meningkatkan tenaga...
  • jimat wooo!!! tak payah lg nk beli kerepek2, snek2, coklat dsb...

Monday, March 10, 2008

some of healthy food






7 tips for successful weight loss

1. The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail. When making changes, decide what's right for your lifestyle. Your best friend's diet and exercise plan may be completely wrong for your habits and interests. The key is to find a system that works for you.

2. Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. If you once fail at your attempt to curtail your overeating, it doesn't mean you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up. Accept that you made a poor choice, but don't let that poor choice influence the rest of your plan. The same holds true with exercise! Skipping a few workouts doesn't mean you can't get back on track. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather, it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.
3. Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices. Everyone has a time when we're most likely to overeat, whether it's the morning coffee break or after work with friends. Try to plan other activities or distractions for those times, or plan in advance how you're going to handle them and stick to it.

4. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Even our good friends can knowingly or unknowingly sabotage weight loss attempts. Spend time with those people who will not pressure you to make poor food choices.

5. Decide on some non-food rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals. For examples, at the end of the first week of healthy eating or after the first five pounds lost buy yourself a new CD or book.

6. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. Get rid of the high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks like chips and candy. But don't forget to have plenty of healthier options available as well, such as popcorn (hold the butter, try Parmesan cheese sprinkles), low-fat cheese and yogurt, fruit, instant cocoa without added sugar, sugar-free popsicles or puddings, or whatever appeals to you when you're hungry for a snack.
7. Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture." Decide where you want to be in a week, in a month, rather than focusing on the total amount of weight you'd like to lose.

do u really need to lose weight?

7 questions that can help you decide.

What is your lifestyle? Regular
physical activity and healthy eating are important, no matter what your weight or your BMI.

What is your family history? If a close relative has a history of
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or other weight-related ailment, it's crucial to be mindful of your weight.

What is your weight history? People who have consistently gained weight over the years need be careful. Experts say your BMI should not increase dramatically, even as you age. Even moderate weight gain in adulthood can increase your risk of diabetes.

How is your weight distributed? Weight gained above the hips -- the so-called "apple" shape -- can be problematic. In both men and women, bigger abdomens can signal trouble.

What is your waist size? The National Institutes of Health has determined that a waist circumference of over 40 inches in men and over 35 inches in women signifies a health risk, particularly in people with BMIs of 25-34.9 (the overweight category). Clothing size is not a good indicator of weight or health, since sizes vary with different manufacturers. But you can use your own clothing -- maybe a favorite pair of pants -- as a personal gauge of your weight.

What is your health profile? If your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are high and your BMI falls into the overweight or obese category, it's important to lose weight. If your BMI is in the high end of healthy or in the low overweight range, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about whether weight loss is right for you.

How do you feel? Seriously consider weight loss if you are overweight and have joint problems, shortness of breath, or other health troubles that limit your day-to-day living.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

kenali perisa Formula1

formula 1 dutch chocolate

formula 1 french vanilla
formula 1 strawberry

formula 1 tropical fruit
formula 1 cappuccino

important info

What Is It?

Why Herbalife?
It is simple because at Herbalife we've put together a panel of distinguished scientific experts to create a step-by-step program to guide you back to the healthy, energetic and vital person nature intended you to be. We have assembled herbs, botanicals and supplements from every corner of the globe in just the right combinations for enhancing your life.

What Exactly Is This Program?
This program is a scientifically formulated, herbal-based calorie-reduced nutrition program. It is centered around our unique high-energy, protein-rich, nutritional "shake" or meal replacement drink to which have been added food supplements containing important vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and nutritional herbs. This program has been used for weight control and health enhancement since 1980 by literally thousands and thousands of individuals around the world. Currently, these programs are available for sale in 36 countries. It is important to know what this program is NOT. It is not a pharmocological treatment, not a total or protein supplemented fasting diet, and not a very low calorie diet (VLCD provide less then 500 kcal). This program is simply a healthy dietary supplement.

What makes Herbalife different from other companies?
Herbalife believes in simplifying good nutrition, making improved health, weight management and enhanced personal care easy to understand and available to everyone for a lifetime. Our store can customize programs just for you to make it easy to achieve your wellness goals and take advantage of quality Herbalife products for your maximum benefit.

Is This A Liquid Protein Or Starvation Diet?
This program is neither of these. When properly followed, our program supplies at least 1000 calories daily and is nutritionally complete so that to promote safe and effective weight-loss. "Liquid protein" diets, which use nutritionally unbalanced protein-based drinks, or starvation diets, which reduce calories so low (less than 500 kcal daily) that people literally starve to lose weight, are both extremely unhealthy and have less than 20% long-term success.

Does This Diet Require Follow-Up By A Trained Professional?
This Weight Control Program has been specifically designed by experts and doctors in the fields of food technology and nutritional medicine so that it is completely self-explanatory and therefore does not require or expect nutritional expertise on the part of its user. However, certain individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women, insulin dependent diabetics and those with compromised kidney function are advised to consult with their physician while they are on the program. The distributors are trained by the company's Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to provide an exemplary customer service.

Does This Program Change Eating Habits?
This program promotes good nutritional habits like reducing fat, fried foods, salt and sugar in the diet and increasing fiber and complex carbohydrates. Most important, it teaches individuals how to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. It is a lifetime health program that helps individuals make informed choices about their diets and, as a result, change their lives for better.

Is Exercise A Part Of The Program?
The program encourages participants to follow a healthy life style that includes good nutrition, regular exercise, moderation in the use alcohol and avoiding tobacco use. Many people cannot exercise because of serious injuries or other health problems. Even these individuals can use the program to aid their weight-loss because this program was designed to benefit people who exercise as well as those who can't.

What is Cellular Nutrition?
In order for your cells to function optimally, they must be able to absorb the nutrients you consume. Starting in the digestive tract, you need both balanced nutrition and receptive cells to accomplish this. When either or both of these systems are impaired, memory, clear thinking, problem solving and even mood can be affected. This is why Herbalife's revolutionary Cellular Nutrition Program is essential for your good health.

What is the % success of the Herbalife diet? What if it stops working?
The Herbalife diet is 100% successful. It's not that the products stop working on the person, it's that the person stopped using the products, or is not using them correctly. It's a simple law of physics, if you eat fewer calories than you consume and eat a healthy diet as part of a regimen that includes regular exercise, you will achieve results.

Is Herbalife a high protein diet? Is it really high protein? And isn't high protein bad for the kidneys?
NO, Herbalife is NOT a high protein diet and the Herbalife plan is not bad for the kidneys. The Herbalife plan is part of a balanced nutritional program. Our recommendations for protein are conservative. We recommend 30% of your total daily calories come from protein which is very healthy.

What type of protein does Formula 1 have?
Formula 1 has Soy protein which comes from plants. Plant protein is different from animal protein. Animal protein sources includes red meat, chicken, eggs, milk, and cheese. Our soy protein come from a very high grade of soy bean and promotes good health.

Why is Herbalifeline such a powerful product?
Herbalifeline fish oil has the health supporting Omega 3 fats in each capsule. Current research is showing tremendous health benefits from the consumption of Omega 3 fats.

Where can I go for more information on balanced nutrition and Dietary Supplements?
Log onto the International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associations website (IADSA) at You can also visit the website for the Council for Responsible Nutrition at

Is It Safe?

Is This 'Natural'?
This program is based entirely on nutrition and herbs. The program does not use drugs, medications, hormones or other synthetic agents to promote weight loss. All ingredients in the program must fulfill three important conditions: purity, potency and stability. This is how we maintain the high level of quality associated with the program's name.

Are The Vitamin Levels, Like Vitamin A, High? Are They Safe?
The levels of vitamins and minerals in all formulas are carefully designed to assure that individuals consuming them will develop neither deficiencies nor excesses. All of the formulas are created to assure that all individuals, regardless of their nutritional needs, receive optimum nutrition. Studies demonstrate there is no "buildup" of vitamins or minerals associated with use of these products, including Vitamin A. In formulating these products there has been taken special care to assure that Vitamin A levels are completely safe and never lead to accumulation, even when consumed together with a diet rich in Vitamin A.

What Do The Herbs Do And Are They Safe?
Herbs are nature's nutritional bounty. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and related nutrients essential for good health. The herbal mixtures used in these products have been created by experts to maximize nutritional potency. The herbs are of the highest quality available anywhere in the world and are free of pesticide residues and other possible contaminants. Tableting of the herbal mixtures occurs under strict quality control to assure both purity and safety.

How do I know Herbalife products are safe and effective?
Herbalife places a top priority on providing high-quality, safe and effective products. The company works closely with both Scientific and Medical Advisory Boards, a team of distinguished doctors, scientists and nutritional experts, who help develop quality products. Through a donation from Herbalife, the Mark Hughes Cellular & Molecular Nutrition Laboratory has been established at the University of California, Los Angeles. Named after Herbalife's founder, the lab conducts research to advance the fields of herbal and nutritional science.

Can Everyone Use These Products?
Since these products are nutritional food supplements they are safe. However, certain individuals including children, pregnant or lactating women, insulin dependent diabetics and those with compromised kidney function are advised to consult with their physician before beginning this or any weight loss program. It is not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure to use some of energy products. It is always advisable to consult with a physician when changing your diet.

Has This Program Been Tested?
Absolutely. The program has had extensive clinical testing in the United Slates, Great Britain and Italy. All of the studies have demonstrated that the products are safe and effective on both a short term and long term basis. In addition, each batch of these products is quality-control tested to ensure product integrity before it is shipped anywhere in the world.

Is There Enough Fluid And Fiber In These Products?
When followed as recommended, the program provides approximately four pints of liquid and 25 grams of fiber. This is more than is found in the average diet of industrialized countries and is the level recommended by health authorities world-wide.

Is This Program Recommended By Doctors?
Absolutely. The Medical and Scientific Advisory Board tests and researches these products and continually monitors reports of results sent by customers and distributors. In addition, many physicians and other health professionals in all parts of the world use these products both in their personal lives and in their practices.

Does The FDA Have a Problem With Herbalife? Is It Approved?
In 1986 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration thoroughly evaluated the Herbalife Program and issued a statement declaring that all of the Herbalife products were safe. The FDA does not actually approve any nutritional product or food supplement, which is what the Herbalife products are categorized as, only drugs, and medications. In addition, whenever Herbalife is introduced into a new country, it is reviewed by that country's government before it is approved for importation and distribution.

Can children use ShapeWorks programs for weight loss?
We strongly believe that younger adolescents and children should be focused on eating healthfully and incorporating more physical activity into their daily routine to accomplish healthy weight management. ShapeWorks is not intended to be used as a weight loss program for children.

Can children use our other products?
Herbalife has products specially designed for children. Parents can provide products like Formula 1 to children as a source of healthy nutrition. We do not refer to these products as meal replacements for children.

I have kidney problems, can I use Shapeworks?
Individuals with kidney conditions (nephrotic syndrome, one kidney, kidney transplant, dialysis, etc...) are advised to consult their personal physician prior to beginning use of any ShapeWorks program because it is likely that they have protein intake limitations or other issues that require guidance.

Do Herbalife products have high caffeine content?
No, Herbalife products are not high in caffeine. A typical cup of coffee has about 85mg of caffeine per cup. Per serving, Herbalife teas, tablets, and effervescent products have between 65-75 mg of caffeine per serving. We recommend approximately 250mg/day of caffeine.

Can Herbalife products prevent/cure diseases like diabetes, cancer, and thyroid conditions?
Herbalife products are NOT medicinal. They are not a cure or substitute for medical treatment or medications. However, they are health-enhancing, providing people with balanced nutrition that the human body needs everyday.

How do I talk to my doctor about Herbalife?
It's very easy to discuss the products with your doctor. Remove the Herbalife ingredient label from the product container (or download and print from this website) and bring it to the doctor. Then simply ask the doctor: "Are there any ingredients on this label that you have a problem with me taking?"

How Does It Work?

Do You Lose Weight Because You Skip Meals?
No. This calorie-reduced program encourages participants to eat three meals daily. Two usual meals are in the form of our nutritionally balanced meal replacement drink, and the third is any meal of your choice. In addition, there has devised a seven-day recommended meal plan which is distributed with its program. In our view diets which require people to skip meals, are unhealthy and stimulate binge eating.

How Does It Work?
It supplies the balanced nutrition the body needs on a daily basis. Individuals, who choose to, can prmote their weight-loss by reducing excess calories without sacrificing important nutrients like protein, potassium and iron. As a result, they feel their best while they lose both excess weight and inches.

What Causes The Feeling Of Increased Energy? Is It Caffeine?
The weight loss and energy-enhancing effects of this program are the result of its scientifically balanced nutritional formula. They are not due to caffeine or any natural or synthetic stimulant. The herbal guarana product contains pure guarana which has a naturally occurring caffeine content of about 30 mg per tablet (the same amount of caffeine as a small cola drink). No chemical caffeine is added to our guarana product, and there is no caffeine in any other of these products.

What happens if someone is following the Herbalife program and hits a plateau with weight management results?
When someone reaches a plateau, before he has reached his goal, he may be snacking on high calorie foods. Adding another shake in the day may help satisfy the individual, and prevent them from snacking on other foods.

Why are herbs good?
Herbs are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and essential nutrients related to good health. Herbalife uses herbs in combination as part of a balanced nutritional program. ALL of our herbs are permitted for use in the markets in which they are sold as part of Herbalife products.

ShapeWorks FAQ

I'm not losing weight
Inch loss is a greater measure of fat loss. If you are losing inches, it means that you are building your lean body mass and reducing body fat. Be sure you are consistently meeting and not exceeding your daily calorie target for weight-loss and you will lose weight unless you are at your target weight.

Other possible reasons:

  1. Are you using Formula 1 with milk?
    Some people are intolerant to milk. You may mix your shakes with nonfat milk or soy milk.
  2. Not measuring inches.
    Some people lose centimeters or inches first and weight second. It is important to measure inches as well as check weight because there are times when you will lose inches and not pounds. As long as you are losing either inches or pounds (or both), the program is working.
  3. Cheating.
    If you have the urge to cheat, we recommend trying our wide array of Enhancers. Add one or several Enhancers, such as Snack Defense(TM) tablets or Total Control(R) tablets. You may also try our healthy protein snacks. They're satisfying and so delicious, you won't feel the need to cheat!
  4. Not following the program as directed.
    Remember, the program calls for two shakes and one balanced meal per day with tablets as directed.

    Skipping meals can starve the body and slow down metabolism. This can weaken the diet and lead to cheating. Not taking the tablets as directed can result in poor nutrition, which can also sabotage the diet. So always remember to follow the program as directed.

I feel hungry
Possible reasons:

  1. Not following the program correctly.
    It is unusual to feel hungry when following the program correctly. Be sure you are making your shakes properly, not skipping meals and taking the products properly to help control appetite.
    For additional hunger control, you can add extra Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powderprotein snack.
    For individuals who get hungry in the evenings, you may try a soy nuts snack after dinner.
    If you don't want to eat more, try Total Control or Snack Defense.
    If you are experiencing other dieting challenges, check out our Enhancers.
    in your shake or enjoy an Herbalife
  2. Not eating properly.
    An important part of ShapeWorks(TM) is eating food. It is important to eat a healthy well-balanced diet. Hunger pangs or cravings arise from skipping meals, not making shakes properly or eating inadequate amounts of protein. ShapeWorks(TM) helps reduce feelings of hunger, if you are following the program correctly.

I feel sick or nauseous
Be sure to take tablets with shakes or meals as directed, not on an empty stomach. Nausea can also be a sign of poor digestion. Be sure to follow the program as directed and drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Our Herbal Aloe Concentrate tastes great and will help settle the stomach.

Herbal Aloe Drink and Aminogen can help your digestive system if you experience mild indigestion, gasiness or bloating.

If you have constipation problems, and taking some fiber each day does not help solve the problem, try Herbalife Active Fiber Powder or 21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program.

I have a headache
Headaches can arise from blood sugar fluctuations or dehydration. Be sure to follow the program, eating two shakes, one snack and a balanced meal, as directed, and drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily. Add N-R-G Tea or Herbal Concentrate to your daily health routine.

I feel tired
Sometimes when you're on a diet, you may feel more tired as your body adjusts to less calories.

Eat every meal and shake on time. Don't skip meals, be sure you are following your program as outlined and get plenty of rest. If you need extra energy, try Herbal Concentrate or N-R-G Tea.

I'm on ShapeWorks for 10 days and have gained weight and inches around the middle. Why?
There could be a number of reasons for the weight gain. The most likely reason is that you are exceeding your daily calorie target for weight-loss. If you have a low metabolic rate, you should consult your physician about increasing your exercise regimen and focus on your protein targets.

Friday, March 7, 2008

kisah kejayaan

saya cuma nak berkongsi kisah kejayaan beberapa orang pengguna HL di luar negara yg menikmati kebaikan & khasiat HL.... telah saya nyatakan bhw HL boleh diambil oleh mereka yg nak kurus, klu nk gemuk pun boley & yg nk maintain berat bdn tanpa ragu2...

amik nih!!!


Sebelum 58 kg
Selepas 71 kg
Tambahan 13 kg

Inilah penampilan dan perasaan paling hebat yang pernah saya alami seumur hidup!

Kerana kurang berat, keletihan yang kronik menjadi satu kebiasaan untuk
Aaron Williams. "Walau apapun yang saya lakukan saya tidak boleh menambah berat badan saya," kata Aaron. Setiap hari saya suka tonton televisyen dan tertidur selepas balik dari kerja. Saya tidak ada motivasi langsung!

Pasangan saya, Kate, menjumpai Herbalife semasa mencari peluang
perniagaan dan kami mendapati produk-produk Herbalife boleh digunakan untuk menambah atau mengurangkan berat badan. Kate membimbing saya bagaimana untuk menggunakan produk-produk ini. Mulanya matlamat saya
ialah untuk membina stamina dan hanya mahu rasa lebih bertenaga dan
berusaha dengan beransur-ansur untuk menaikkan berat badan.

Saya menggunakan produk-produk ini pada Januari 2005, mengambil
Formula 1 dan Serbuk Protein dengan susu soya tiga kali sehari. Kerana saya perlu menaikkan berat badan saya diberi arahan untuk mengambil tiga shake sehari - satu selepas setiap hidangan di camping mengambil suplemen vitamin tiga kali. Dalam masa dua hari saya mula rasakan ada satu kelainan dalam diri saya. Saya tidak lagi berasa mengantuk selepas bekerja dan saya mendapati saya mempunyai tenaga dan stamina
untuk melakukan apa-apa saja.

Saya telah menambah 13 kg dan 25 cm jisim otot, dari Januari hingga
Mac. Program ini telah mengajar saya untuk memilih makanan yang lebih baik. Dulu saya berfikir saya kita perlu makan sebahagian besarnya makanan berlemak tinggi, tinggi kalori dan tinggi karbohidrat jika ingin menambah berat badan. Memang saya tersalah anggap.

Saya juga telah membuat komitmen kepada diri saya dan Kate untuk
menjadikan Herbalife sebagai pendorong dalam menjadikan impian dan cita-cita satu kenyataan. Dan saya akan menggunakan produk-produk ini seumur hidup!


Sebelum 81 kg
Selepas 63 kg
Penurun 18 KG

"Dunia boleh menjadi tempat yang lebih sihat dengan Herbalife"

Menerima sehelai lembaran iklan daripada wanita di jalanan merupakan titik permulaan yang mengubah pengalaman bagi Gangulee yang kecil molek dan beliau sungguh gembira. Saya hanya 152 cm tinggi," kata Anya. "Sebelum Herbalife berat badan saya 81 kilo dan menghidap penyakit asma selama 11 tahun. Saya juga menderitai sakit lutut yang berpanjangkan dan kulit muka yang berminyak serta mempunyai masalah jerawat dan bekas perawat. Selain itu, saya tidak bertenaga dan kurang berstamina".

"Selepas membaca lembaran iklan tersebut, saya menelefon Chris pada hari yang sama. Oleh kerana saya berasal dari India, saya amat menghormati kesan herba pada tubuh manusia. Saya sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk mengubah keadaan saya".

"Selepas satu bulan setengah yang pertama, berat badan saya turun 7 kilo dan tidak lagi mengambil cuti sakit. Keyakinan dan produktiviti saya mengingkat. Selepas tiga bulan saya turun keseluruhan 13 kilo.

"Kini kulit saya lebih cerah, licin dan agak berbeza, hasil daripada kehilangan sejumlah 58.5 cm, satu saiz pakaian dan dua saiz seluar. Semua sabahat dan saudara-mara hairan melihat perubahan pada diri saya. Apabila saya pulang ke India, ibu bapa dan bapa saudara saya tidak mengenali wajah saya yang baru. Perubahan yang dramatik sehingga ayah saya tidak mengenali gadis yang melambai-lambai ke arahnya sewaktu di lapangan terbang.

Tetapi perbezaan yang ternyata ialah kebolehan saya untuk terus berjalan selama 30 mint tanpa henti dan yang dahulunya memang mustahil dilakukan kerana kecederaan lutut saya. Saya percaya Herbalife adalah yang sesuatu yang terbaik untuk manusia sejagat. Dunia boleh menjadi tempat yang lebih sihat dengan adanya Herbalife".


Daripada saiz XXL kepada S

Selama beberapa tahun, saya telah menggunakan program-program mengurangkan berat badan dan suplemen menguruskan badan tanpa memberikan sebarang hasil. Dengan berat badan 65.5 kg saya selalu berasa letih, berpeluh dengan mudah dan menderita sakit lutut. Tambahan pula, suplemen menguruskan badan yang saya ambil telah meninggalkan saya dengan beberapa masalah kesihatan.

Mengurangkan berat badan bukanlah perkara pertama yang saya fikirkan bila mula menggunakan produk Herbalife. Sebaliknya, kelebihan detoksifikasi dan pengendalian mekanisme tubuh produk Herbalife yang mula-mulanya membuatkan saya tertarik. Sungguh menakjubkan kerana setelah hanya 5 bulan menggunakan produk-produk Herbalife, saya hilang 12.5 kg dalam tempoh 9 bulan. Saya telah hilang sebanyak 15.5 kg dan saiz baju saya sekarang telah menjadi lebih kecil daripada saiz XXL kepada saiz baju S! Saya rasa lebih sihat, lebih yakin dan lebih cantik daripada sebelum ini!

Hilang berat badan: 15.5 kg

Cecilia Toh sebelum ini
Cecilia Toh dengan tubuh barunya yang langsing


Sebelum :58 Kg
Selepas :44 Kg
Kehilangan 14 kg

"Saya boleh makan seberapa banyak pun, berat badan saya tetap ideal."-Sofia Dewi.

Agak beberapa lama baru saya sedar saya gemuk. Sehingga saya dapati pada suatu hari, saya tidak boleh lagi memakai kesemua pakaian seragam kerana sudah ketat dan lama-kelamaan, saya mula hilang keyakinan diri dengan bentuk badan saya yang 'bulat' ini.

Saya berasal dari Kota Solo, tapi kami berpindah ke Gemolong, Sragen selepas berkahwin. Di Solo, saya mengajar di sebuah sekolah swasta. Jarak antara Gemolong-Solo adalah lebih kurang 24 km. Bolehkah anda bayangkan betapa penatnya saya membawa motorsikal setiap hari. Sebelum selesai mengajar, saya sudah mula memberi tuisyen kepada para pelajar saya.

Saya memang sibuk sekali sehingga makan dan minum menjadi tidak teratur. Seringkali saya cuma makan satu kali sehari dan jarang minum air putih kerana saya tidak suka rasanya. Saya hanya inginkan makanan dan minuman yang manis. Keadaan kesihatan saya jelas kelihatan merosot. Saya sering diserang penyakit demam selsema dan sembelit. Sekejab sahaja bekerja sudah mula merasa letih. Saya kurang bersemangat untuk melakukan apa-apa jua. Saya betul-betul hilang akal!

Saya enggan mendiamkan diri dan membiarkan keadaan begitu.. Saya bertekad untuk mengurangkan berat badan. Akhirnya saya mencuba produk Herbalife. Saya menuruti segala arahan yang diberi termasuk banyak minum air untuk membantu mempercepatkan penurunan berat badan.

Akhirnya terbukti! Berkat dengan pengunaan produk Herbalife dan minum banyak air, dalam masa 2 hari berat badan saya menurun 1 kg. Dalam 4 hari, turun 2.5 kg. Saya juga kehilangan 6 cm daripada pinggang.. Dalam 3 bulan, jumlah berat badan menurun sebanyak 14 kg! Menakjubkan sekali bukan? Ia bagaikan mimpi untuk memiliki tubuh yang ideal. Kini saya lebih sihat dan amat aktif dalam kegiatan fizikal. semangat Saya boleh sebanyak mana yang boleh dan masih boleh mengekalkan berat badan ideal saya. Hebat sekali, kan!

Herbalife benar-benar melebihi ekspektasi saya, kerana seiring dengan perubahan berat badan, hidup saya juga turut berubah. Ternyata produk-produk Herbalife memang luar biasa!

Tips daripada Sofia Dewi:

  • Percayalah kepada produk-produk Herbalife kerana keberkesanan sudah terbukti.
  • Harus berdisiplin dan serius dalam mengikuti program Herbalife.
  • Banyak minum air kerana ia akan mempercepatkan pengurangan berat badan.
  • Sabar dan lakukan kesemuanya seperti yang diarahkan.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


makanan yg halal merupakan inti pati jiwa rohani seseorang... malah islam itu sendiri menekankan apsek pengambilan makanan yg halal bg melahirkan modal insan yg cemerlang... cheewwaahh!!! ayat motibasi... darah daging kita terbentuk dr sumber2 makanan yg kita ambil... jadi, sebagai umat islam, aspek halal amat penting terutama dlm pemilihan makanan...

berita baik utk anda!!! Herbalife telah dianugerahkan sijil halal dr USA... maka anda tidak perlu risau @ ragu2 utk mengambil produk ini...

sebagai rujukan, sila lihat attachment di bawah:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

11 reasons - why Herbalife?

  1. the taste is great - choc, cappucino, vanilla, strawberry & tropical fruit
  2. tarak masa? well, it's only takes not even 5 mins to prepare the shake!!
  3. it's really work.. they're losing weight!! many of them...
  4. hello... mark hughes (penyelidik bg produk HL) ada lab to do the research about science-based nutrition in UCLA... but takde la declare itu lab HL sbb polisi UCLA kata tak leh la nak promote2 produk kat Uni dia... produk lain ado? non ado i think..
  5. it's makes yr life better - health, finance, mind, business etc
  6. well-known company lah!! never heard ke? sah la kowang ketinggalan zaman (saya pn dulu gitu gak... skang tak dah pasal dah tahu mengenai produk nih..huhuhu) dah 28 tahun produk ni bertapak di seluruh dunia... hang tak caya? search kat internet... beribu website ado... tak termasuk personal blog consumer HL lagik nih...
  7. ado ke kowang jumpe produk cenggini yg boleh diambil ketika pregnant, confinement & breastfeed? ado? non ado katanya...
  8. ada ke kowang jumpe satu produk tp bulih guna untuk mcm2... HL leh guna utk kuruskan bdn, tambahkan berat bdn & maintain yr weight... produk lain ado? non ado jugak..
  9. excuse me? side effect? mesti la ado... hang jd lebih anggun laa.. mana yg gumut jd kurus... yg kurus jd lebih berisi... yg letih jd lebih bertenanga...
  10. mahal?????? gilo apo... hang nak murah, hang carik kat tempat jamu, yg produk dia akan mengakibatkan hang cirit2 7-8 kali sehari... bukan nak cakap apa, saya dah pernah try dr yg mahal hingga yg murah... result? non ada... dgn HL, result ado katanya...
  11. difficult to find HL?? helloo... just contact me!! kotak jerit kan ado...

* tunggu apo laei jang... cuba la HL...

risiko berlebihan berat badan

mungkin dlm kesibukan anda bekerja, anda tidak mengambil berat faktor pemakanan anda... bak kata org 'main bedal ajork, janji kenyang'... masyarakat malaysia sudah mula mengamalkan trend pemakanan yg tidak sihat (termasuk saya la... hihihik... iteww dulu yer)..

'makanan pantas' a.k.a fast food menjadi pilihan utama ketika bershopping, hang out dgn member & dating.... dun mention 'bout taste.. of course it taste marvellous, very tempting (same goes to the calories---> good taste = high calory)!! i know laaaaaa... as i started to be more concern about food that i'll take, it's like a 'godaan'...

actually, seantero, celah2 batu pun orang semua dh tau dah... sajork je buat2 tatau... mende2 fast food & junk food ni tak baik for yr health... why? saya tak payah cakap.. anda pun tau kan...

okayyyy... let's see what will happen if we're overweight @ obese... i got this frm wikipedia...

"Sekiranya berat badan anda bertambah, pelbagai keadaan serta masalah boleh berlaku, antaranya ialah:
Penyakit kardioviskular (berkaitan dengan jantung)
Strok (angin ahmar)
Tekanan darah tinggi
Batu hempedu
Diabetes (kencing manis)
kolestrol darah yang tinggi
Sakit di bahagian bawah belakang badan
Sukar bernafas
Osteoartritis spina (tulang belakang), pinggang atau lutut
Gangguan pembuangan air kecil
Penyakit hati
Kanser usus "

it's up to u choose yr meal b'coz u're what u eat... apa tunggu lagi... HL adalah jawapan tepat utk anda... penyediaannya amat mudah & sesuai bg mereka yg tiada masa utk membeli @ memasak.. paling best sekali, hey, ia mengandungi khasiat & zat yg diperlukan oleh tubuh anda!! ooppss lupa... satu lagi... ia didatangi dgn pelbagai perisa hebat...